Monday, June 25, 2012

13 Weeks to 30: Monday - Thanks universe, for sending another freak my way!!!

So, for all you folks who wonder where I find the's a case in point.  I don't find them, they find ME!

I went to Chapters yesterday out on Pinetree, because they were supposed to have a couple of books I wanted (even though it turned out stock was inaccurate online, boo!!), and ended up getting help from a super cute guy working there.  Now, he was nice and normal and I posted a Missed Connection on Craigslist because I figured, what's the worst that could happen?

Answer: some strange guy named Darrell who was NOT the cute Chapters guy could email and try to strike something up, all the while alternating between creepy and nice...but then ending up on creepy for the final descent.

What started off as a nice enough "Did you have any luck from your posting? You sounded sweet..." turned into "I'm ok with the church thing, are you ok that I'm bi?"  Oh yes, there was more fun after that.  I tried pulling out all the stops, like "I'm super involved with church, go every Sunday, have made a decision not to be sexually active until I'm in a totally committed relationship and have a guarantee of good health, and I'm looking for the one and want to have kids in the next 5 years"

None of that scared him off...instead, the idea of marriage and kids apparently fits into a fetish he has for getting the woman he someday marries pregnant and getting to have sex with her pregnant...and something to do with breast milk...I've stopped trying to figure it all out at this point.  Oh yeah, he was special...he said "That's why I'm waiting for the right girl"

Uh huh...which is why you're bi right?  He asked if I'd ever been with 2 guys at one point in the conversation.  I just sat there and thought about it for a minute...wondering...should I have some fun with this and see what reaction different responses I give could garner? Or should I just be honest and shoot from the hip...I went with honest and said "Nope, and it's definitely not on my bucket list."  I totally didn't expect him to say "That's ok, I only have relationships with women." So I was dying to know and asked "But you have sex with men?" He said, "Only in threesomes, and I don't need to have them, they're just a nice bonus."

Oh, he also wanted to talk about all sorts of intimate things, and asked for a picture that 'showcased' my boobs.  Yeah that request was denied...

So, I gave it one more shot, asked him some normal human being conversation "get to know you" questions. I joked that he was avoiding them, and his response was "I don't really give a shit.  Sorry.  If you don't want to talk to me then that's cool."

And that was that.  After a whole whack of emails and some texts. So bizarre.

I guess when I joked that the universe wasn't giving me much dating fodder for this blog, I should have been careful what I wished for.

But hey, at least I'm ditching them quicker...this one didn't even make it to the first date...that's progress right?

SERIOUSLY, where do they all come from, and why do they feel the draw to contact ME?!!?!? LOL  I'm completely flabbergasted...

It would be nice to meet a keeper though...where the heck are they all hiding??

And more importantly, are there ANY nice, single, straight, sane, at least moderately attractive 20 or 30 something Anglican men in the Lower Mainland?  Come it asking sooooo much?

Anyone know any? LOL

Monday, June 18, 2012

14 Weeks to 30: Monday - Oh the paaaaaain!!!

Well, I'd like to say I did it...but I can't.  What's "it" you ask?  Well, in conversations at work a colleague of mine said I should get out and just do the Grouse Grind, prepped or not, to give myself a benchmark.  I considered, and mentioned it to my ex-roomie and friend M...she disagreed.  She thought the BCMC trail which runs parallel to the Grind might be better for a first attempt at the summit.

SO, Sunday morning (yesterday), on a typically gray, drizzly, humid June day, I met her at the base of Grouse Mountain.  Once we determined where the trail was (Grouse staff are not allowed, nor do they want to tell you where BCMC starts...even though you still get to the top and have to pay to download anyways...go figure) from a search & rescue employee, we set off.  I packed a couple of pieces of fruit and my platypus water bladder with 2L of water in it.  Nothing heavy, just enough to keep me hydrated hands free and provide a wee bit of energy if the need arose.

M's boyfriend D was smart enough to send his snow shoe/trekking poles, with the advice to M that it would probably be a good thing for me to use them.  Boy did he know what he was talking about!  The poles made ALL the difference, if I hadn't had them I doubt I would have made it as far as I did in the end.

So, there's 160 numbered markers on the BCMC trail...apparently (I discovered upon researching once I got home...) they're roughly every 20m of distance on the trail.  It's a 3.2ish km hike, with about 850m elevation gain.  Apparently #31 is 1/4 of the way up elevation wise, so making it to 35 we made it between 1/4 and 1/3...700m distance based on the markers, and from a topographical map I referenced, about 200m elevation gain.  I crapped out at #35...we'd been toodling along, I'd been doing alright taking lots of breaks (this took us an hour and a bit to reach btw), but around the approach to #35 I started feeling queasy, and I just couldn't go on.  As M reminded me, if we went further and I totally lost my strength or started having issues, there's no way for search & rescue to get in.  I'd have to turn back.

So we turned back, and let me tell you, it was a hard climb down...almost as hard as going up, because of the stress on my knees and the worry about foot placement, etcetera.  Again, the poles proved invaluable (remind me to get a set...they're expensive, but worth it!!).  M has been rock climbing for a couple of years, so she's learned a lot about trusting her footing, I on the other hand have just gotten over a chest & sinus cold, and haven't been as active as I should be for a long time...I'm also quite overweight so it's pretty stressful on my body to do these things - but I'm still going to do them!!  No better way to get fit and feel good than to indulge in outdoor activities. the end we made the trip back down, and then took the gondola up to have lunch atop Grouse Mountain (since I'd invested in the $99+HST Annual Locals pass before the adventure started, thinking glibly we'd be making it up and downloading hahaha...d'oh!!).  It was a nice lunch, but by the time we got to the car I was done.  Sadly I decided to go to Richmond Ikea, which turned out to be a waste of time, and then got lost and went through the tunnel and ended up in South Delta instead of on Westminster Hwy headed back to New Westminster.  Double d'oh.  Argh.  I'm directionally challenged sometimes...but oddly enough I can navigate Dublin, Galway, Belfast and Derry...even though 3 of those towns I've spent a grand total of about 72 hours in each one...but home? Pffft, who needs to know how to get from Richmond to New West...?? Sheesh!!

So, the moral of this tale?  I'm going to do some less steep, but longer distance hikes for the next several weeks, then I'll work on elevation gain training.  I forsee the stair climber at the gym in my long as it stops making that horrible breaking clunking noise at me...

Right, my quads are KILLING me, and I have to get up for work again tomorrow...I survived Monday, but who knows how the rest of the week will treat me.

I also have a gluten free chocolate cake to give to my Fr. Mark when we meet tomorrow evening...I'm hoping flavour wins out over consistency...that darn oven makes baking so difficult!

Ok, that's enough, I'm really going to bed this time, HONEST! ;)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

14 Weeks to 30: Wednesday - Recycling or Closure??'s been a while!!  I got caught by the vicious cold bug that's going around, and I think I've developed allergies thanks to the abundant cottonwood fluff all over the Lower Mainland this month!!  I've been down for the count for over a week, less than fun. : (

That being said, I've got some interesting updates!!

1) We listed the house for sale.
2) We delisted the house after freaking out about it, and will instead come up with a way for the 'rents to buy out my portion of the title.  I'll be there another year by the looks of it.  This is ok, because it means I can save a little bit more money for now.
3) I got vacation time approved to go see M & J in South Carolina over Labour Day weekend/first week of September.  Woohoo!!!!  SO looking forward to catching up with the boys :D
4) I went back to the gym, just before getting sick, so the desire to keep it up is there, just waiting for the body's abilities to catch back up.
5) A guy from my past resurfaced... Sean from this entry...
I managed to learn a couple of things from our encounter, and I think that there's a reason I keep running into all of these guys from my past!!

A couple of months ago I met up with a guy that I've been communicating with for almost 7 years, always saying that eventually, when we were both in the country/city/whatever, we would give it a go...see what happened.  Well, after 7 years of hype and talk we did in April.  I'm not going to say it was bad, it was just...underwhelming.  So much thought and bravado had gone into it that it really couldn't live up to expectations.  I won't be seeing him again I can guarantee that.  However, I'm starting to see a trend with the 'what if' men in my life...

Last night Sean from the aforementioned entry got in touch with me.  That girlfriend he has? They're "on a break"...and he wanted to know if I still wanted to know what it was like to kiss him.  Now, typically I'd say no...and when he attempted to initiate an encounter about 3 or 4 years ago, I shot it down.  Last night though, I got the feeling that I needed to see what happened.

It was nice to hang out with him again, it's been a REALLY long time since we just talked or chilled out together, without flinging verbal daggers back and forth (although he claims there never were any but hey...perception...whatever LOL).  The encounter was...frenetic...I kind of felt like he was in puppy dog mode, the way they quiver in excitement to show their affection to their owners, as if they'll disappear without proper adulation.  Not exactly what I was expecting, nor what I'm used to.  It wasn't bad though, just...interesting.

In the end it was a good experience, but it left me with a lot to think about.  He said right off the bat that he couldn't have it 'mean anything' in any deep sense since there's a time limit on his relationship's 'break', and I can appreciate that.  I know full well that when she gets back into the province they'll get back together.  He was just experimenting emotionally.  Funnily enough, I think of last night as a dating experiment myself...

I finally got to see what the chemistry was like with someone I've daydreamed about off and on for years, even when we were fighting I wondered about it.  I was able to experience for an evening his undivided attention and what that meant.  I have to say, I think I'm glad that we never ended up dating.  Our timing was always off, and our personality types didn't REALLY gel properly, and physically well...the chemistry just wasn't really there...

When I did the postmortem with a couple of gals I know they said something interesting: "you can't move on to your future until you deal with you past, and it seems like you're getting closure on some areas of your past".  Funny thing is, I was sort of thinking something similar...I kept thinking of him randomly over the years, wondering what might have been, how good would it have been, and other dreck.  Now I know, it would have been fine, but we'd have driven each other nuts in the long run.  He's not a regret or a 'what if' anymore.

OH!! And those things I wished I had the chance to say to him?? I did, and it felt good.  Wow, is this what adult closure feels like?  You get to try new/old things, make sure how you feel, and still get a tender goodnight kiss when you say regrets, no hard feelings?

I think I could go for this adult version of dating and relating...