Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Communication and Dating: The Personal, The Textual, The Digital...

Why is it that you can have such utterly different views on how interpersonal encounters go?

Why do we end up with such vastly disparate understandings of what's going on during communication with another human being?

How is it that words can mean completely different things to people who are speaking the same language, written in black and white?

It is hard enough trying to have conversations with people you know well and feel you understand, but when you're trying to get to know someone, and you haven't truly learned their communication style or how they go about their interactions, it's a potential minefield of hurt feelings, misunderstandings and plain old frustration.

This is what I'm finding with dating now. At first it was just the bad dates (if you've forgotten, look back at previous posts LOL), and creeps who I wouldn't give the time of day in future. Now however, it's a matter of meeting nice, normal, successful, intelligent men and then having to navigate through the second date…and occasionally the third date. Once you've done that and enjoy one another's company how much do you communicate or don't, and what you do communicate, and when do you ask if they're seeing anyone else?

When do you feel comfortable with intimacy, whether it's been a topic or not? Just because you've made out and find each other attractive isn't enough of a reason to jump into bed – helluva motivation though! How do you decide to take a leap and chance that maybe they're just looking for a fling despite what you think they know – because have you actually told them your expectations, or did you assume they took your initial flirtations and statement of intent on some online site as real??

And then, what happens if you compound all of that normal, everyday romantic/dating/male-female whatever interplay with something traumatic or upsetting in the life of one of the parties, what do you do then? As the one dealing with it do you cut your losses when it's clear the other half isn't up to the situation or just doesn't engage on the level you need/want/expect? Do you wait it out and acknowledge that it's likely YOU that has to work through this and that you shouldn't let it impact what's going on with the other? As the other, what do you do with this information? Do you attempt to be supportive and see if something more comes of the burgeoning interaction/relationship-ish, or do you cut your losses because this is new and maybe this isn't what you really wanted to deal with at this point?

There are so many things that go on in the startup of any human relationship, be it platonic, professional, familial (new sibling etc), or romantic. It's impossible to know just what's going on in another person's head, even if they're telling you, because maybe it's only part of their truth – or none of it. Are we too scared of failure to be vulnerable and real? Is the instant gratification of texting and instant messaging destroying the mystery and excitement of new relationships and getting to know one another?

And on the topic of failure, texting, mystery and excitement - what about ghosting? I have a feeling I'll be writing about that sometime soon...just a gut feeling. It's so bizarre that it's become prevalent enough in our society to have an actual term associated with it...this modern dating trend towards disrespect of people's time and effort and emotions.

It's a wonder anyone gets together and procreates intentionally any more considering the hassles…

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