It's strange to think that less than 6 months ago I had no inkling whatsoever that I would be in a new career, preparing for a trip to the other side of the world.
I thought today would be a good day to re-enter the world of blogging, as it's my 32nd birthday today, and I'm trying to turn over a new leaf with regards to more an a few things.
My new career is demanding, somewhat stressful (mostly owing to the sharp learning curve and the fact that I've only been there...let's see...just over 11 weeks now. Wow...there are days it feels like forever, as though I should already be proficient at my job and not be making any mistakes - and then I hasn't even been 3 months yet! AND on top of that, we have a new President & CEO who started this week, so I'm adjusting to him, and we're each learning the other's style and rhythms. Add to that the fact that I had to plan, coordinate and ensure the smooth running of a Board committee meeting as well as a Board orientation presentation and hospital site tour this week, and have to finalize preparations for a full Board meeting which is happening on Wednesday ... Well, I'm completely wiped.
That being said, what we do saves lives down the road, as trite as that sounds. The Royal Columbian Hospital is a remarkable place, and it's great having the opportunity to work at the hospital I was born in and have had the benefit of being treated in more an a few well as maaaaany family and friends over the decades. I just need to keep my head on straight, and remember that this initial stage of newness will pass - I'm already feeling more confident about some of the smaller things, just need to get a system sped out for recurring tasks and contact. It's actually kind of exciting when I get the chance to step back and think about it, really look at what I've accomplished in a given week.
So, with all of that in mind, I have to start preparing for Oz!!!
I got suitcase last week (thank you Grandma for an early birthday present!!!), and I need to start pondering what will go into said lovely blue suitcase.
I've been assembling a few little gifties for Rebecca, Lionel and their kiddos, little bits of Canadiana that are silly but since they're being amazing friends and opening their home and their holiday time to me...what's a gal to do but show her appreciation!!!
I'll post more details about the trip as I get closer, but for the time being...I have to get out of my pjs, rouse Saoirse from her sentry post atop my feet, and prepare to leave the house.
Today my cousin Harley is playing rugby near our house, and I'm going to go relive a bit of our youth watching him's been at least 10 years since I've seen a game, so it's high time I think! Tonight is a smallish dinner for my birthday with friends and family, so I'd best prepare for that too!
17 1/2 they're going to blow by quickly!