Wednesday, May 30, 2012

17 Weeks to 30: Wednesday


I think we found our realtors, they're young, enthusiastic, local, motivated and just generally nice to deal with.  Next step is to start organizing/downsizing the rest of this week because they're coming back Sunday afternoon to consult on what needs to be done in order to stage the house.  We'll also have to tackle the hole in my bedroom ceiling of course, just need to get it done once and for all before they bring in photographers and stagers.  Woohoo!! They figure we could get an offer/have a sale in place by July.  Oh man is it ever nice to feel as though this is really truly going to happen.

Tomorrow is 16 weeks til 30, so I've got to make sure I get some hill walking in tonight and tomorrow, depending on how I feel (I've had a bit of a bug lately).

Not a whole ton to share/say today since tomorrow's the big weekly writeup, but I'm just so excited that I had to say SOMETHING! lol

Here's hoping everything starts moving along now...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

17 Weeks to 30: Thursday - Argh

So, I'm completely stalled in my efforts.  All of my efforts except keeping the house clean, go figure.

I've gained back all 16 pounds that I lost over the course of July-October 2011.  It was gradual at first, but since I got back from Ireland I've gained 6 pounds.  NOT ok!!  My eating habits have been disastrous, I've been stressed out at home and feeling really blah, and found out my thyroid meds needed some tweaking.  The adjustment should help, and I'll go back to eating healthier...we should see a change in a few weeks I hope???

The house is much cleaner and I'm finding it easier to keep it that way, but the renos are non-existent.  Still haven't even gone to get the tiles for the ceiling.  Argh indeed.

As for dating/love life...HA, let's not go there...that doesn't exist period.  Although, I'm starting to reassess my previous 'type', and the way I've handled things and the manner my relationships/flings have developed in the past.  Maybe it's time to find someone I can be friends with rather than someone that I feel that jolt of attraction right off the this the more adult version of dating? :p lol  

I'm going to buy an exercise bike I think, the same one my sister-in-law D has.  It looks pretty good and should get me started...maybe help me get the first few pounds shifted so I feel a little more energetic and up to the gym/those hikes I'm so wanting to do.

This doesn't bode well for the plan to do Grouse in 17 weeks, but I'm still determined.  I'm going to get my butt moving again!!!

Here's to determination

Thursday, May 17, 2012

18 weeks to 30: Thursday

It's been 2 weeks since I started trying to blog more regularly.  Is it just me or is time flying by at an increasingly alarming rate??

Since Friday I've been a busy gal!!

There was a fabric sale on, I think I mentioned it...I ended up getting the materials for 2 a-line skirts, a pencil skirt, and a pair of flannel pj bottoms.  I forgot to get lining for one skirt and interfacing, but thankfully there's another sale on this weekend - Victoria Day weekend.  Woohoo!!  I should be able to make at least one skirt this weekend, if not two.  We shall see!

Saturday my back problems escalated but then seemed to subside quite Sunday I was able to get to church and spend some time with my friend J's kids S & D, always a wonderful experience.  However, it turns out that my back wasn't totally fixed, my chiropractor had to give it a good adjustment Monday morning.  He's fantastic, as soon as I told him where the pain was he knew what was up and was able to fix it.  Apparently one of my ribs was out of alignment!!  I had no idea that was even possible, but hey, it's fixed! :D

I got to go for a nice hike with my sister-in-law D Monday also, followed by lunch and a couple of hours of intensive organization/cleaning at my place.  A HUGE dent was made, I still have a lot of work to do, but it made a big difference.  It feels like someone else's livingroom LOL

Last night I got to Skype with a dear friend in South Carolina.  He was sweet enough to stay up til the wee hours to keep talking.  We ended up talking for almost 4 hours...apparently we had a lot to catch up on!!  I'm trying my best to get him to come up to Vancouver for a visit, so we'll see how that goes.

Tonight I'm going to mass and a church potluck afterward.  I've always planned to go to one, but never quite made it, so it'll be nice to finally accomplish that!! :)

Saturday I've got a play date with S & D in Vancouver, so that J can get some things done at home pre-move.  They're moving closer to me (total coincidence that their awesome new home is closer!!), so I'm excited and can't wait to help in any way I can.

Hopefully I'll get a hike in somewhere this weekend, if I can find a hiking buddy!

Enjoy the sunshine!

Friday, May 11, 2012

19 Weeks til 30: Friday

It's sunny and it's Friday, what more could a girl ask for?

Well, for starters, not to have a giant painful back spasm that's lasted since Monday morning.  Yup, I've been struggling through the week with the left side of my back knotted up and painful.  Ibuprofen isn't helping, my old T3's aren't dulling it, and ice/heat don't seem to help past the initial numbing or soothing.  Ah well, I get to see my chiropractor on Monday, I'm sure he'll fix me up!

Secondly:  I discovered that my lovely, fuzzy, cantankerous kitty miss S made a bit of a mess in the laundry room.  Granted, I should have noticed it at the time (2 or 3 nights ago), but it was dark, bedtime, and I had a book/bed to get to.  She knocked the liquid laundry detergent bottle off the shelf over the washer.  Any of you ever had to clean up something like that?  I recently left the lid of one of my face washes partially unscrewed, and it got tipped over on the counter.  The mess it leaves behind is just ghastly.  Despite being cleaning products, these items are almost impossible to clean up properly.  So my Friday night, along with back pain, will consist of moving the washing machine and wicker hamper to clean up the spilled soap.  At least the floor will be nice and clean?  Ah well, who could be mad at this face??

However, there's a sale on at Fabricana today only.  I'm so excited.  I haven't decided if I'm going right after work or if I'll wait and go with my mother, but either way, a fabric sale is something to look forward to! ;)  This is important because of the effort I'm making to attempt to be more feminine (along with the fitness goals, etcetera).  The goal is to wear skirts at least 3 days a week, so I need a few new skirts to add to the spring/summer rotation.  I'm hoping to find some bargains on nicer material so I don't have to spend a ton, and I already have 2 patterns picked out of my collection at home.  It's going to be so much fun, I love seeing how new garments turn out!

Over the weekend I'll be organizing and cleaning the house, and perhaps even tackling the ceiling issue again - we'll see.  I think I'll try to get a hike in as well if I have the energy/time/my back heals a bit more.

Fingers crossed that the weather stays nice and I get everything done!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Training/prep Day 6: Appearance and Effort

So, today is day 6 since deciding to embark on training/preparation for the Grouse Grind and my 30th birthday.

I walked down to the Safeway near my house one evening, and that hill nearly kicked my I seriously considered giving up the goal within 24 hours.  I'm apparently ridiculously easily beaten.

I've done the hill once more since that attempt, and it wasn't so bad!! 

I also went shopping with my sis-in-law D and we talked makeup, appearance, dating, being feminine...all that good stuff.  The upshot of it all is that I need to soften some of my rough edges.  I believe a friend I met in Ireland described me as "putting out a vibe to men that you could kick their ass"...not exactly the image one wants to convey, non?

So, on the most superficial of levels, I'm making more of an effort with my appearance.  That means makeup, hair styles, manner of dress, and even making an attempt to swear less.  That last one's going to take the most hard work I think.  I'm going to embark on a skirt phase, attempting to wear a skirt to work 3 of 5 days per week.  That will mean buying some new fabric and making a few new skirts (I have a favored pattern I can't wait to use again), but we all have sacrifices to make! ; )

Tonight I'm going for a walk with my ex-roomie M.  She's a great motivator with her marathons, trail runs, swimming, rock climbing, snow shoeing and everything else she manages to do in her down time.  She's recovering from an injury that's kept her from running, so she won't be as hard to keep up with for the time being. ;)  Hopefully it's an energizing experience, and will push me to keep going.  I know, it's only a walk, but baby steps right?

Now I just have to wake up early enough to do my makeup every morning...*that* might be a bigger challenge than you'd think...

And just to start prepping myself for "mother nature's stair master" image I found on Google of it...ugh! That's the halfway mark...and that's one of the nicer sections from the photos I've seen.  YUCK!  I'll have to start dong multiple sets of stairs every day as the summer goes on - hills just won't cut it!  Wish me luck :p